Source code for openomics.database.ontology

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import obonet
import pandas as pd
from Bio.UniProt import GOA

from .base import Database
from ..utils.df import slice_adj

[docs]class Ontology(Database): DELIM = "|" def __init__(self, path, file_resources=None, col_rename=None, npartitions=0, verbose=False): """ Manages dataset input processing from tables and construct an ontology network from .obo file. There ontology network is G(V,E) where there exists e_ij for child i to parent j to present "node i is_a node j". Args: path: file_resources: col_rename: npartitions: verbose: """, self.node_list = self.load_network(file_resources) super(Ontology, self).__init__( path=path, file_resources=file_resources, col_rename=col_rename, npartitions=npartitions, verbose=verbose, )
[docs] def load_network(self, file_resources) -> (nx.MultiDiGraph, list): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_adjacency_matrix(self, node_list): if hasattr(self, "adjacency_matrix"): adjacency_matrix = self.adjacency_matrix else: adjacency_matrix = nx.adj_matrix(, nodelist=node_list) self.adjacency_matrix = adjacency_matrix if node_list is None or list(node_list) == list(self.node_list): return adjacency_matrix elif set(node_list) < set(self.node_list): return slice_adj(adjacency_matrix, list(self.node_list), node_list, None) elif not (set(node_list) < set(self.node_list)): raise Exception("A node in node_list is not in self.node_list.") return adjacency_matrix
[docs] def filter_network(self, namespace): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def filter_annotation(self, annotation: pd.Series): go_terms = set(self.node_list) filtered_annotation = x: list(set(x) & go_terms) if isinstance(x, list) else []) return filtered_annotation
[docs] def get_child_nodes(self): adj = self.get_adjacency_matrix(self.node_list) leaf_terms = self.node_list[np.nonzero(adj.sum(axis=0) == 0)[1]] return leaf_terms
[docs] def get_root_nodes(self): adj = self.get_adjacency_matrix(self.node_list) parent_terms = self.node_list[np.nonzero(adj.sum(axis=1) == 0)[0]] return parent_terms
[docs] def get_dfs_paths(self, root_nodes: list, filter_duplicates=False): """ Return all depth-first search paths from root node(s) to children node by traversing the ontology directed graph. Args: root_nodes (list): ["GO:0008150"] if biological processes, ["GO:0003674"] if molecular_function, or ["GO:0005575"] if cellular_component filter_duplicates (bool): whether to remove duplicated paths that end up at the same leaf nodes Returns: pd.DataFrame of all paths starting from the root nodes. """ if not isinstance(root_nodes, list): root_nodes = list(root_nodes) paths = list(dfs_path(, root_nodes)) paths = list(flatten_list(paths)) paths_df = pd.DataFrame(paths) if filter_duplicates: paths_df = paths_df[~paths_df.duplicated(keep="first")] paths_df = filter_dfs_paths(paths_df) return paths_df
[docs] def remove_predecessor_terms(self, annotation: pd.Series): leaf_terms = self.get_child_nodes() if not x: isinstance(x, list)).any(): annotation = annotation.str.split(self.DELIM) go_terms_parents = x: list( set(x) & set(leaf_terms)) if isinstance(x, list) else None) return go_terms_parents
[docs] @staticmethod def get_node_color( file="~/Bioinformatics_ExternalData/GeneOntology/go_colors_biological.csv", ): go_colors = pd.read_csv(file) def selectgo(x): terms = [term for term in x if isinstance(term, str)] if len(terms) > 0: return terms[-1] else: return None go_colors["node"] = go_colors[[ col for col in go_colors.columns if col.isdigit() ]].apply(selectgo, axis=1) go_id_colors = go_colors[go_colors["node"].notnull()].set_index( "node")["HCL.color"] go_id_colors = go_id_colors[~go_id_colors.index.duplicated( keep="first")] print(go_id_colors.unique().shape, go_colors["HCL.color"].unique().shape) return go_id_colors
[docs]class HumanPhenotypeOntology(Ontology): pass
[docs]class GeneOntology(Ontology): COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT = { "DB_Object_Symbol": "gene_name", "DB_Object_ID": "gene_id", "GO_ID": "go_id", } def __init__( self, path="", file_resources=None, col_rename=COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT, npartitions=0, verbose=False, ): """ Handles downloading the latest Gene Ontology obo and annotation data, preprocesses them. It provide functionalities to create a directed acyclic graph of GO terms, filter terms, and filter annotations. """ if file_resources is None: file_resources = { "go-basic.obo": "", "goa_human.gaf": "goa_human.gaf.gz", "goa_human_rna.gaf": "goa_human_rna.gaf.gz", "goa_human_isoform.gaf": "goa_human_isoform.gaf.gz", } super(GeneOntology, self).__init__( path, file_resources, col_rename=col_rename, npartitions=npartitions, verbose=verbose, )
[docs] def info(self): print("network {}".format(
[docs] def load_dataframe(self, file_resources, npartitions=None): go_annotation_dfs = [] for file in file_resources: if ".gaf" in file: go_lines = [] for line in GOA.gafiterator(file_resources[file]): go_lines.append(line) go_annotation_dfs.append(pd.DataFrame(go_lines)) go_annotations = pd.concat(go_annotation_dfs) go_terms = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(, orient="index", dtype="object") go_annotations["go_name"] = go_annotations["GO_ID"].map( go_terms["name"]) go_annotations["namespace"] = go_annotations["GO_ID"].map( go_terms["namespace"]) go_annotations["is_a"] = go_annotations["GO_ID"].map(go_terms["is_a"]) return go_annotations
[docs] def load_network(self, file_resources): for file in file_resources: if ".obo" in file: network = obonet.read_obo(file_resources[file]) # network = network.reverse(copy=True) node_list = np.array(network.nodes) return network, node_list
[docs] def filter_network(self, namespace): """ Filter the subgraph node_list to only `namespace` terms. Args: namespace: one of {"biological_process", "cellular_component", "molecular_function"} """ terms =[["namespace"] == namespace]["go_id"].unique() print("{} terms: {}".format(namespace, len(terms))) if self.verbose else None = self.node_list = np.array(list(terms))
[docs] def get_predecessor_terms(self, annotation: pd.Series, type="is_a"): go_terms_parents = x: list({ parent for term in x for parent in list(nx.descendants(, term)) }) if isinstance(x, list) else [ ]) # flatten(self.traverse_predecessors(term, type))}) \ return go_terms_parents
[docs] def add_predecessor_terms(self, annotation: pd.Series, return_str=False): if (annotation.dtypes == np.object and annotation.str.contains("\||;", regex=True).any()): go_terms_annotations = annotation.str.split("|") else: go_terms_annotations = annotation go_terms_parents = go_terms_annotations + self.get_predecessor_terms( annotation) if return_str: go_terms_parents = lambda x: "|".join(x) if isinstance(x, list) else None) return go_terms_parents
[docs]def traverse_predecessors(network, seed_node, type=["is_a", "part_of"]): """ Returns all successor terms from seed_node by traversing the ontology network with edges == `type`. Args: seed_node: seed node of the traversal type: the ontology type to include Returns: generator of list of lists for each dfs branches. """ parents = dict(network.pred[seed_node]) for parent, v in parents.items(): if list(v.keys())[0] in type: yield [parent] + list(traverse_predecessors(network, parent, type))
[docs]def flatten(lst): return sum(([x] if not isinstance(x, list) else flatten(x) for x in lst), [])
[docs]def dfs_path(graph, path): node = path[-1] successors = list(graph.successors(node)) if len(successors) > 0: for child in successors: yield list(dfs_path(graph, path + [child])) else: yield path
[docs]def flatten_list(list_in): if isinstance(list_in, list): for l in list_in: if isinstance(list_in[0], list): for y in flatten_list(l): yield y elif isinstance(list_in[0], str): yield list_in else: yield list_in
[docs]def filter_dfs_paths(paths_df: pd.DataFrame): idx = {} for col in sorted(paths_df.columns[:-1], reverse=True): idx[col] = ~(paths_df[col].notnull() & paths_df[col].duplicated(keep="first") & paths_df[col + 1].isnull()) idx = pd.DataFrame(idx) paths_df = paths_df[idx.all(axis=1)] return paths_df
[docs]def write_taxonomy(network, root_nodes, file_path): """ Args: network: A network with edge(i, j) where i is a node and j is a child of i. root_nodes (list): a list of node names file_path (str): """ file = open(file_path, "a") file.write("Root\t" + "\t".join(root_nodes) + "\n") for root_node in root_nodes: for node, children in nx.traversal.bfs_successors(network, root_node): if len(children) > 0: file.write(node + "\t" + "\t".join(children) + "\n") file.close()