Source code for openomics.multiomics

import logging
from typing import List, Dict, Union

import pandas as pd

import openomics
from .clinical import (
from .genomics import SomaticMutation, CopyNumberVariation, DNAMethylation
from .imageomics import WholeSlideImage
from .proteomics import Protein
from .transcriptomics import MessengerRNA, MicroRNA, LncRNA, Expression

[docs]class MultiOmics: """A data object which holds multiple -omics data for a single clinical cohort.""" def __init__(self, cohort_name, omics_data=None): """ Args: cohort_name (str): the clinical cohort name """ self._cohort_name = cohort_name self._omics = [] # This is a data dictionary accessor to retrieve individual -omic data = {} if omics_data: for omics in omics_data: self.add_omic(omics)
[docs] def add_omic(self, omic_data: Expression, initialize_annotations: bool = True): """Adds an omic object to the Multiomics such that the samples in omic matches the samples existing in the other omics. Args: omic_data (Expression): The omic to add, e.g., MessengerRNA, MicroRNA, LncRNA, etc. initialize_annotations (bool): default True. If true, initializes the annotation dataframe in the omic object """ self.__dict__[] = omic_data if not in self._omics: self._omics.append( # dictionary as data accessor to the expression data[] = omic_data.expressions # Initialize annotation if initialize_annotations: omic_data.initialize_annotations(index=omic_data.gene_index, gene_list=None),[].shape if hasattr([], "shape") else ": None", ", indexed by:",, )
[docs] def add_clinical_data(self, clinical: openomics.clinical.ClinicalData, **kwargs): """ Add a ClinicalData instance to the MultiOmics instance. Args: clinical (openomics.clinical.ClinicalData): """ if not isinstance(clinical, ClinicalData): raise Exception("Must pass a ClinicalData in, not a file path.") self.clinical = clinical["PATIENTS"] = self.clinical.patient if hasattr(self.clinical, "biospecimen"):["BIOSPECIMENS"] = self.clinical.biospecimen if hasattr(self.clinical, "drugs"):["DRUGS"] = self.clinical.drugs self.build_samples(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_omics_list(self): return self._omics
def __getitem__(self, item:str): """This function allows the MultiOmicData class objects to access individual omics by a dictionary lookup, e.g. openomics["MicroRNA"] Args: item (str): a string of the class name """ if item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == "patients": return self.clinical.patient elif item.lower() == "samples": return self.clinical.samples elif item.lower() == "drugs": return self.clinical.drugs else: raise Exception( 'String accessor must be one of {"MessengerRNA", "MicroRNA", "LncRNA", "Protein", etc.}' )
[docs] def remove_duplicate_genes(self): """Removes duplicate genes between any omics such that the gene index across all omics has no duplicates. """ for omic_A in self._omics: for omic_B in self._omics: if omic_A != omic_B: self.__getattribute__(omic_A).drop_genes( set(self.__getattribute__(omic_A).get_genes_list()) & set(self.__getattribute__(omic_B).get_genes_list()))
[docs] def build_samples(self, agg_by="union"): """Running this function will build a dataframe for all samples across the different omics (either by a union or intersection). Then, Args: agg_by (str): ["union", "intersection"] """ # make sure at least one ExpressionData present if len(self._omics) < 1: logging.debug( "build_samples() does nothing. Must add at least one omic to this MultiOmics object." ) return all_samples = pd.Index([]) for omic in self._omics: if agg_by == "union": all_samples = all_samples.union([omic].index) elif agg_by == "intersection": all_samples = all_samples.intersection([omic].index) if hasattr(self, "clinical"): self.clinical.build_clinical_samples(all_samples)["SAMPLES"] = self.clinical.samples.index else:["SAMPLES"] = all_samples
def __dir__(self): return list(
[docs] def match_samples(self, omics) -> pd.Index: """Return the index of bcr_sample_barcodes of the intersection of samples from all modalities Args: omics: An array of modalities Returns: matched_sapmles: An pandas Index list """ # TODO check that for single modalities, this fetch all patients matched_samples =[omics[0]].index.copy() for omic in omics: matched_samples = matched_samples.join([omic].index, how="inner") return matched_samples
[docs] def load_data( self, omics, target=["pathologic_stage"], pathologic_stages=None, histological_subtypes=None, predicted_subtypes=None, tumor_normal=None, samples_barcode=None, ): # type: (Union[List[str], str], List[str], List[str], List[str], List[str], List[str], List[str]) -> (Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame) """ Args: omics (list): A list of the data modalities to load. Default "all" to select all modalities target (list): The clinical data fields to include in the pathologic_stages (list): Only fetch samples having certain stages in their corresponding patient's clinical data. For instance, ["Stage I", "Stage II"] will only fetch samples from Stage I and Stage II patients. Default is [] which fetches all pathologic stages. histological_subtypes: A list specifying the histological subtypes to fetch. Default is [] which fetches all histological sybtypes. predicted_subtypes: A list specifying the histological subtypes to fetch. Default is [] which fetches all histological sybtypes. tumor_normal: ["Tumor", "Normal"]. Default is [], which fetches all tumor or normal sample types. samples_barcode: A list of sample's barcode. If not None, only fetch data with matching samples provided in this list. Returns: (X, y): Returns X, a dictionary containing the multiomics data that have data """ if omics == "all" or omics is None: omics = self._omics matched_samples = self.match_samples(omics) if samples_barcode is not None: matched_samples = samples_barcode if hasattr(self, "clinical") and isinstance(self.clinical, ClinicalData): # Build targets clinical data y = self.get_sample_attributes(matched_samples) # Select only samples with certain cancer stage or subtype if pathologic_stages: y = y[y[PATHOLOGIC_STAGE_COL].isin(pathologic_stages)] if histological_subtypes: y = y[y[HISTOLOGIC_SUBTYPE_COL].isin(histological_subtypes)] if predicted_subtypes: y = y[y[PREDICTED_SUBTYPE_COL].isin(predicted_subtypes)] if tumor_normal: y = y[y[TUMOR_NORMAL_COL].isin(tumor_normal)] # Filter y target column labels y = y.filter(target) y.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True) matched_samples = y.index else: y = None # Build expression matrix for each omic, indexed by matched_samples X_multiomics = {} for omic in omics: X_multiomics[omic] =[omic].loc[ matched_samples, self[omic].get_genes_list()] return X_multiomics, y
[docs] def get_sample_attributes(self, matched_samples): """Fetch patient's clinical data for each given samples barcodes in the matched_samples Returns samples_index: Index of samples Args: matched_samples: A list of sample barcodes """ return["SAMPLES"].reindex(matched_samples)
[docs] def print_sample_sizes(self): for omic in print( omic,[omic].shape if hasattr([omic], "shape") else "Didn't import data", )
[docs] def annotate_samples(self, dictionary): """This function adds a "predicted_subtype" field to the patients clinical data. For instance, patients were classified into subtypes based on their expression profile using k-means, then, to use this function, do: annotate_patients(dict(zip(patient index>, <list of corresponding patient's subtypes>))) Adding a field to the patients clinical data allows openomics to query the patients data through the .load_data(subtypes=[]) parameter, Args: dictionary: A dictionary mapping patient's index to a subtype """["PATIENTS"] =["PATIENTS"].assign(["PATIENTS"][ self.clinical.patient_column].map(dictionary))