Source code for openomics.database.ontology

import os
import warnings
from import Iterable
from io import TextIOWrapper, StringIO
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict, Union, Callable, Optional

import dask.dataframe as dd
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import obonet
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse as ssp
from logzero import logger
from networkx import NetworkXError
from pandas import DataFrame

from import read_gaf
from openomics.transforms.adj import slice_adj
from openomics.transforms.agg import get_agg_func
from .base import Database

__all__ = ['GeneOntology', 'UniProtGOA', 'InterPro', 'HumanPhenotypeOntology', ]

[docs]class Ontology(Database): annotations: pd.DataFrame def __init__(self, path, file_resources=None, blocksize=None, **kwargs): """ Manages dataset input processing from tables and construct an ontology network from .obo file. There ontology network is G(V,E) where there exists e_ij for child i to parent j to present "node i is_a node j". Args: path: file_resources: blocksize: verbose: """ super().__init__(path=path, file_resources=file_resources, blocksize=blocksize, **kwargs), self.node_list = self.load_network(self.file_resources) self.annotations = self.load_annotation(self.file_resources, self.blocksize) self.close()
[docs] def load_network(self, file_resources) -> Tuple[nx.MultiDiGraph, List[str]]: raise NotImplementedError()
def load_annotation(self, file_resources, blocksize) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame]: pass
[docs] def filter_network(self, namespace) -> None: """ Filter the subgraph node_list to only `namespace` terms. Args: namespace: one of {"biological_process", "cellular_component", "molecular_function"} """ terms =[["namespace"] == namespace]["go_id"].unique() print("{} terms: {}".format(namespace, len(terms))) if self.verbose else None = self.node_list = np.array(list(terms))
def adj(self, node_list): adj_mtx = nx.adj_matrix(, nodelist=node_list) if node_list is None or list(node_list) == list(self.node_list): return adj_mtx elif set(node_list) < set(self.node_list): return slice_adj(adj_mtx, list(self.node_list), node_list, None) elif not (set(node_list) < set(self.node_list)): raise Exception("A node in node_list is not in self.node_list.") return adj_mtx
[docs] def filter_annotation(self, annotation: pd.Series): go_terms = set(self.node_list) filtered_annotation = x: list(set(x) & go_terms) if isinstance(x, list) else []) return filtered_annotation
[docs] def get_child_nodes(self): adj = self.adj(self.node_list) leaf_terms = self.node_list[np.nonzero(adj.sum(axis=0) == 0)[1]] return leaf_terms
[docs] def get_root_nodes(self): adj = self.adj(self.node_list) parent_terms = self.node_list[np.nonzero(adj.sum(axis=1) == 0)[0]] return parent_terms
[docs] def get_dfs_paths(self, root_nodes: list, filter_duplicates=False): """ Return all depth-first search paths from root node(s) to children node by traversing the ontology directed graph. Args: root_nodes (list): ["GO:0008150"] if biological processes, ["GO:0003674"] if molecular_function, or ["GO:0005575"] if cellular_component filter_duplicates (bool): whether to remove duplicated paths that end up at the same leaf nodes Returns: pd.DataFrame of all paths starting from the root nodes. """ if not isinstance(root_nodes, list): root_nodes = list(root_nodes) paths = list(dfs_path(, root_nodes)) paths = list(flatten_list(paths)) paths_df = pd.DataFrame(paths) if filter_duplicates: paths_df = paths_df[~paths_df.duplicated(keep="first")] paths_df = filter_dfs_paths(paths_df) return paths_df
[docs] def remove_predecessor_terms(self, annotation: pd.Series, sep="\||;"): # leaf_terms = self.get_child_nodes() # if not x: isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray))).any() and sep: # annotation = annotation.str.split(sep) # # parent_terms = x: list( # set(x) & set(leaf_terms)) if isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray)) else None) # return parent_terms raise NotImplementedError
def get_subgraph(self, edge_types: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Union[nx.MultiDiGraph, nx.DiGraph]: if not hasattr(self, "_subgraphs"): self._subgraphs = {} elif edge_types in self._subgraphs: return self._subgraphs[edge_types] if edge_types and isinstance(, (nx.MultiGraph, nx.MultiDiGraph)): # Needed to create new nx.Graph because .edge_subgraph is too slow to iterate on (idk why) g = nx.from_edgelist([(u, v) for u, v, k in if k in edge_types], create_using=nx.DiGraph if else nx.Graph) else: raise Exception("Must provide `edge_types` keys for a nx.MultiGraph type.") self._subgraphs[edge_types] = g return g def add_predecessor_terms(self, anns: pd.Series, edge_type: Union[str, List[str]] = 'is_a', sep="\||;"): anns_w_parents = x: [] if not isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray)) else x) + \ get_predecessor_terms(anns, self.get_subgraph(edge_type)) return anns_w_parents
[docs] @staticmethod def get_node_color(file="~/Bioinformatics_ExternalData/GeneOntology/go_colors_biological.csv", ): go_colors = pd.read_csv(file) def selectgo(x): terms = [term for term in x if isinstance(term, str)] if len(terms) > 0: return terms[-1] else: return None go_colors["node"] = go_colors[[ col for col in go_colors.columns if col.isdigit() ]].apply(selectgo, axis=1) go_id_colors = go_colors[go_colors["node"].notnull()].set_index("node")["HCL.color"] go_id_colors = go_id_colors[~go_id_colors.index.duplicated(keep="first")] print(go_id_colors.unique().shape, go_colors["HCL.color"].unique().shape) return go_id_colors
def split_annotations(self, src_node_col="gene_name", dst_node_col="go_id", groupby: List[str] = ["Qualifier"], train_date="2017-06-15", valid_date="2017-11-15", test_date="2021-12-31", query: Optional[str] = "Evidence in ['EXP', 'IDA', 'IPI', 'IMP', 'IGI', 'IEP', 'TAS', 'IC']", filter_src_nodes: pd.Index = None, filter_dst_nodes: pd.Index = None, agg: Union[Callable, str] = "unique") -> Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame, DataFrame]: """ Args: src_node_col (str): Name of column containg the the src node types. dst_node_col (str): Name of column containg the the dst node types. train_date (str): A date before which the annotations belongs in the training set. valid_date (str): A date before which the annotations belongs in the validation set. test_date (str): A date before which the annotations belongs in the testing set. groupby (str): A list of strings to groupby annotations on, default [`src_node_col`, "Qualifier"]. query (str, optional): A pandas query string to filter annotations. Default, only select ['EXP', 'IDA', 'IPI', 'IMP', 'IGI', 'IEP', 'TAS', 'IC'] annotations. filter_src_nodes (pd.Index): A subset annotations by these values on `src_node_col`. filter_dst_nodes (pd.Index): A subset annotations by these values on `dst_node_col`. agg (str): Either "unique" or "add_parent", or a callable function, or a dd.Aggregation() for aggregating on the `dst_node_col` column after groupby on `groupby`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class GeneOntology(Ontology): """Loads the GeneOntology database from . Default path: "". Default file_resources: { "go-basic.obo": "", "goa_human.gaf": "goa_human.gaf.gz", "goa_human_rna.gaf": "goa_human_rna.gaf.gz", "goa_human_isoform.gaf": "goa_human_isoform.gaf.gz", } """ COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT = { "DB_Object_Symbol": "gene_name", "DB_Object_ID": "gene_id", "GO_ID": "go_id", "Taxon_ID": 'species_id', } DROP_COLS = {'DB:Reference', 'With', 'Annotation_Extension', 'Gene_Product_Form_ID'} def __init__( self, path="", species='human', file_resources=None, index_col='DB_Object_Symbol', keys=None, col_rename=COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT, blocksize=None, **kwargs ): """ Loads the GeneOntology database from . Default path: "" . Default file_resources: { "go-basic.obo": "", "goa_human.gaf": "goa_human.gaf.gz", "goa_human_rna.gaf": "goa_human_rna.gaf.gz", "goa_human_isoform.gaf": "goa_human_isoform.gaf.gz", } Data for GO term annotations in .gpi files are already included in .obo file, so this module doesn't maker use of .gpi files. Handles downloading the latest Gene Ontology obo and annotation data, preprocesses them. It provide functionalities to create a directed acyclic graph of GO terms, filter terms, and filter annotations. """ if species and not hasattr(self, 'species'): self.species = species.lower() elif species is None: self.species = 'uniprot' if file_resources is None: file_resources = { f"goa_{self.species}.gaf.gz": f"goa_{self.species}.gaf.gz", } if species != 'uniprot': file_resources[f"goa_{self.species}_rna.gaf.gz"] = f"goa_{self.species}_rna.gaf.gz" file_resources[f"goa_{self.species}_isoform.gaf.gz"] = f"goa_{self.species}_isoform.gaf.gz" if not any('.obo' in file for file in file_resources): warnings.warn( f'No .obo file provided in `file_resources`, so automatically adding ""') file_resources["go-basic.obo"] = "" super().__init__(path, file_resources, index_col=index_col, keys=keys, col_rename=col_rename, blocksize=blocksize, **kwargs) # By default, the __init__ constructor run load_dataframe() before load_network(), but for GeneOntology, # we get node data from the nx.Graph, so we must run load_dataframe() again when is not None. = self.load_dataframe(self.file_resources, self.blocksize)
[docs] def info(self): print("network {}".format(
[docs] def load_dataframe(self, file_resources: Dict[str, TextIOWrapper], blocksize=None) -> DataFrame: if hasattr(self, 'network') and is not None: # Annotations for each GO term from nodes in the NetworkX graph created by the .obo file go_terms = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict(, orient='index') go_terms["def"] = go_terms["def"].apply( lambda x: x.split('"')[1] if isinstance(x, str) else None) = "go_id" # Get depth of each term node in its ontology hierarchy = nx.subgraph_view(, filter_edge=lambda u, v, e: e == 'is_a') for namespace in go_terms['namespace'].unique(): root_term = go_terms.query(f'name == "{namespace}"').index.item() namespace_terms = go_terms.query(f'namespace == "{namespace}"').index shortest_paths = nx.shortest_path_length(hierarchy.subgraph(namespace_terms), root_term) go_terms.loc[namespace_terms, 'depth'] = go_terms['depth'] = go_terms['depth'].fillna(0).astype(int) else: go_terms = None return go_terms
[docs] def load_network(self, file_resources) -> Tuple[nx.Graph, np.ndarray]: network, node_list = None, None fn = next((fn for fn in file_resources if fn.endswith(".obo")), None) if fn: network: nx.MultiDiGraph = obonet.read_obo(file_resources[fn]) network = network.reverse(copy=True) node_list = np.array(network.nodes) return network, node_list
def load_annotation(self, file_resources, blocksize=None) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame]: # Handle .gaf annotation files dfs = {} for filename, filepath_or_buffer in file_resources.items(): gaf_name = filename.split(".")[0] # Ensure no duplicate GAF file (if having files uncompressed with same prefix) if gaf_name in dfs: continue if blocksize and isinstance(filepath_or_buffer, str): if filename.endswith(".processed.parquet"): # Parsed and filtered gaf file dfs[gaf_name] = dd.read_parquet(filepath_or_buffer, chunksize=blocksize) if dfs[gaf_name] != self.index_col and self.index_col in dfs[gaf_name].columns: dfs[gaf_name] = dfs[gaf_name].set_index(self.index_col, sorted=True) if not dfs[gaf_name].known_divisions: dfs[gaf_name].divisions = dfs[gaf_name].compute_current_divisions() elif (filename.endswith(".parquet") or filename.endswith(".gaf")): # .parquet from .gaf.gz file, unfiltered, with raw str values dfs[gaf_name] = read_gaf(filepath_or_buffer, blocksize=blocksize, index_col=self.index_col, keys=self.keys, usecols=self.usecols) elif filename.endswith(".gaf.gz"): # Compressed .gaf file downloaded dfs[gaf_name] = read_gaf(filepath_or_buffer, blocksize=blocksize, index_col=self.index_col, keys=self.keys, usecols=self.usecols, compression='gzip') else: if filename.endswith(".processed.parquet"): dfs[gaf_name] = pd.read_parquet(filepath_or_buffer) if filename.endswith(".gaf"): dfs[gaf_name] = read_gaf(filepath_or_buffer, index_col=self.index_col, keys=self.keys, usecols=self.usecols) if len(dfs): annotations = dd.concat(list(dfs.values()), interleave_partitions=True) \ if blocksize else pd.concat(dfs.values()) annotations = annotations.rename(columns=UniProtGOA.COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT) if in UniProtGOA.COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT: annotations.index = annotations.index.rename( UniProtGOA.COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT[]) else: annotations = None return annotations def split_annotations(self, src_node_col="gene_name", dst_node_col="go_id", groupby: List[str] = ["Qualifier"], train_date="2017-06-15", valid_date="2017-11-15", test_date="2021-12-31", query: str = "Evidence in ['EXP', 'IDA', 'IPI', 'IMP', 'IGI', 'IEP', 'TAS', 'IC']", filter_src_nodes: pd.Index = None, filter_dst_nodes: pd.Index = None, agg: Union[str, Callable, dd.Aggregation] = "unique") \ -> Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame, DataFrame]: assert isinstance(groupby, list) and groupby, f"`groupby` must be a nonempty list of strings. Got {groupby}" # Set the source column (i.e. protein_id or gene_name), to be the first in groupby if src_node_col not in groupby: groupby = [src_node_col] + groupby if "Qualifier" not in groupby and "Qualifier" in self.annotations.columns: groupby.append("Qualifier") # Aggregator function if agg == "add_parent": subgraph = self.get_subgraph(edge_types="is_a") node_ancestors = {node: nx.ancestors(subgraph, node) for node in subgraph.nodes} if isinstance(self.annotations, dd.DataFrame): agg = dd.Aggregation(name='_unique_add_parent', chunk=lambda s: s.unique(), agg=lambda s0: s0.apply(get_predecessor_terms, node_ancestors, keep_terms=True), finalize=lambda s1: s1.apply(lambda li: np.hstack(li) if li else None)) else: agg = lambda s: get_predecessor_terms(s, g=node_ancestors, join_groups=True, keep_terms=True) elif agg == 'unique' and isinstance(self.annotations, dd.DataFrame): agg = get_agg_func('unique', use_dask=True) elif isinstance(self.annotations, dd.DataFrame) and not isinstance(agg, dd.Aggregation): raise Exception("`agg` must be a dd.Aggregation for groupby.agg() on columns of a dask DataFrame") def _remove_dup_neg_go_id(s: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: if s.isna().any(): return s elif isinstance(s[neg_dst_col], Iterable) and isinstance(s[dst_node_col], Iterable): rm_dups_go_id = [go_id for go_id in s[neg_dst_col] if go_id not in s[dst_node_col]] if len(rm_dups_go_id) == 0: rm_dups_go_id = None s[neg_dst_col] = rm_dups_go_id return s neg_dst_col = f"neg_{dst_node_col}" # Filter annotations annotations = self.annotations if query: annotations = annotations.query(query) if filter_src_nodes is not None: annotations = annotations[annotations[src_node_col].isin(filter_src_nodes)] if filter_dst_nodes is not None: annotations = annotations[annotations[dst_node_col].isin(filter_dst_nodes)] if in groupby: annotations = annotations.reset_index() # Split train/valid/test annotations train_anns = annotations.loc[annotations["Date"] <= pd.to_datetime(train_date)] valid_anns = annotations.loc[(annotations["Date"] <= pd.to_datetime(valid_date)) & \ (annotations["Date"] > pd.to_datetime(train_date))] test_anns = annotations.loc[(annotations["Date"] <= pd.to_datetime(test_date)) & \ (annotations["Date"] > pd.to_datetime(valid_date))] outputs = [] for anns in [train_anns, valid_anns, test_anns]: # Keep track of which annotation has a "NOT" Qualifier is_neg_ann = anns.loc[:, "Qualifier"].map(lambda li: "NOT" in li) # Convert `Qualifiers` entries of list of strings to string args = dict(meta=pd.Series([""])) if isinstance(anns, dd.DataFrame) else {} anns.loc[:, 'Qualifier'] = anns.loc[:, 'Qualifier'].apply( lambda li: "".join([i for i in li if i != "NOT"]), **args) # Aggregate gene-GO annotations if isinstance(anns, pd.DataFrame) and len(anns.index): pos_anns = anns[~is_neg_ann].groupby(groupby).agg({dst_node_col: agg}) neg_anns = anns[is_neg_ann].groupby(groupby).agg(**{neg_dst_col: (dst_node_col, agg)}) pos_neg_anns = pd.concat([pos_anns, neg_anns], axis=1) elif isinstance(anns, dd.DataFrame) and len(anns.index) and dst_node_col in anns.columns: pos_anns = anns[~is_neg_ann].groupby(groupby).agg({dst_node_col: agg}) if False and len(is_neg_ann.index): neg_anns = anns[is_neg_ann].groupby(groupby).agg({dst_node_col: agg}) neg_anns.columns = [neg_dst_col] pos_neg_anns = dd.concat([pos_anns, neg_anns], axis=1) else: pos_neg_anns = pos_anns pos_neg_anns[neg_dst_col] = None else: pos_neg_anns = pd.DataFrame( columns=[dst_node_col, neg_dst_col], index=pd.MultiIndex(levels=[[] for i in range(len(groupby))], codes=[[] for i in range(len(groupby))], names=groupby)) outputs.append(pos_neg_anns) continue if isinstance(pos_neg_anns, pd.DataFrame): pos_neg_anns = pos_neg_anns.drop([""], axis='index', errors="ignore") # Remove "GO:0005515" (protein binding) annotations for a gene if it's the gene's only annotation _exclude_single_fn = lambda li: None \ if isinstance(li, Iterable) and len(li) == 1 and "GO:0005515" in li else li args = dict(meta=pd.Series([list()])) if isinstance(anns, dd.DataFrame) else {} pos_neg_anns.loc[:, dst_node_col] = pos_neg_anns[dst_node_col].apply(_exclude_single_fn, **args) # Drop rows with all nan values if isinstance(pos_neg_anns, pd.DataFrame): pos_neg_anns = pos_neg_anns.drop(pos_neg_anns.index[pos_neg_anns.isna().all(1)], axis='index') # Ensure no negative terms duplicates positive annotations if len(is_neg_ann.index): args = dict(meta=pd.DataFrame({dst_node_col: [], neg_dst_col: []})) \ if isinstance(anns, dd.DataFrame) else {} pos_neg_anns = pos_neg_anns.apply(_remove_dup_neg_go_id, axis=1, **args) outputs.append(pos_neg_anns) return tuple(outputs)
def get_predecessor_terms(anns: Union[pd.Series, Iterable], g: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], nx.MultiDiGraph], join_groups=False, keep_terms=True, exclude={'GO:0005575', 'GO:0008150', 'GO:0003674'}) \ -> Union[pd.Series, List[str]]: """ Args: anns (): g (nx.MultiDiGraph, Dict[str,Set[str]]): Either a NetworkX DAG or a precomputed lookup table of node to ancestors join_groups (): whether to concatenate multiple keep_terms (): exclude (): Returns: """ if exclude is None: exclude = {} def _get_ancestors(terms: Iterable): try: if isinstance(terms, Iterable): if isinstance(g, dict): parents = {parent \ for term in terms if term in g \ for parent in g[term] if parent not in exclude} elif isinstance(g, nx.Graph): parents = {parent \ for term in terms if term in g.nodes \ for parent in nx.ancestors(g, term) if parent not in exclude} else: raise Exception("Provided `g` arg must be either an nx.Graph or a Dict") else: parents = [] if keep_terms and isinstance(terms, list): terms.extend(parents) out = terms else: out = list(parents) except (NetworkXError, KeyError) as nxe: if "foo" not in nxe.__str__(): logger.error(f"{nxe.__class__.__name__} get_predecessor_terms._get_ancestors: {nxe}") out = terms if keep_terms else [] return out if isinstance(anns, pd.Series): if ( == str).any(): anns = s: [s]) parent_terms = if join_groups: parent_terms = sum(parent_terms, []) elif isinstance(anns, Iterable): parent_terms = _get_ancestors(anns) else: parent_terms = [] return parent_terms
[docs]class UniProtGOA(GeneOntology): """Loads the GeneOntology database from . Default path: "" . Default file_resources: { "goa_uniprot_all.gaf": "goa_uniprot_all.gaf.gz", } """ COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT = { "DB_Object_ID": "protein_id", "DB_Object_Symbol": "gene_name", "GO_ID": "go_id", "Taxon_ID": 'species_id', } def __init__( self, path="", species="HUMAN", file_resources=None, index_col='DB_Object_ID', keys=None, col_rename=COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT, blocksize=None, **kwargs, ): """ Loads the UniProtGOA database from . Default path: "" . Default file_resources: { "goa_uniprot_all.gaf.gz": "goa_uniprot_all.gaf.gz", "go.obo": "", } Handles downloading the latest Gene Ontology obo and annotation data, preprocesses them. It provides functionalities to create a directed acyclic graph of GO terms, filter terms, and filter annotations. Args: path (): species (): file_resources (): index_col (): keys (): col_rename (): blocksize (): **kwargs (): """ if species is None: self.species = species = 'UNIPROT' substr = 'uniprot_all' else: self.species = species.upper() substr = species.lower() if file_resources is None: file_resources = { "go.obo": "", f"goa_{self.species.lower()}.gaf.gz": os.path.join(species, f"goa_{substr}.gaf.gz"), # f"goa_{self.species.lower()}_isoform.gaf.gz": os.path.join(species, f"goa_{substr}_isoform.gaf.gz"), # f"goa_{self.species.lower()}_complex.gaf.gz": os.path.join(species, f"goa_{substr}_complex.gaf.gz"), } if not any('.obo' in file for file in file_resources): warnings.warn(f'No .obo file provided in `file_resources`, ' f'so automatically adding ""') file_resources["go-basic.obo"] = "" super().__init__(path=path, file_resources=file_resources, index_col=index_col, keys=keys, col_rename=col_rename, blocksize=blocksize, **kwargs)
[docs]class InterPro(Ontology): """ Default parameters path="" file_resources = { "entry.list": "entry.list", "protein2ipr.dat.gz": "protein2ipr.dat.gz", "interpro2go": "interpro2go", "ParentChildTreeFile.txt": "ParentChildTreeFile.txt", } """ def __init__(self, path="", index_col='UniProtKB-AC', keys=None, file_resources=None, col_rename=None, **kwargs): """ Args: path (): index_col (str): Default 'UniProtKB-AC'. keys (): file_resources (): col_rename (): **kwargs (): """ assert index_col is not None if file_resources is None: file_resources = {} file_resources["entry.list"] = os.path.join(path, "entry.list") file_resources["protein2ipr.dat.gz"] = os.path.join(path, "protein2ipr.dat.gz") file_resources["interpro2go"] = os.path.join(path, "interpro2go") file_resources["ParentChildTreeFile.txt"] = os.path.join(path, "ParentChildTreeFile.txt") if any('protein2ipr' in fn for fn in file_resources): assert keys is not None, "Processing protein2ipr requires user to provide `keys` as a list of " \ "`UniProtKB-AC` values" super().__init__(path=path, file_resources=file_resources, index_col=index_col, keys=keys, col_rename=col_rename, **kwargs)
[docs] def load_dataframe(self, file_resources: Dict[str, TextIOWrapper], blocksize=None): ipr_entries = pd.read_table(file_resources["entry.list"], index_col="ENTRY_AC") ipr2go_fn = next((fn for fn in file_resources if 'interpro2go' in fn), None) if ipr2go_fn: ipr2go = self.parse_interpro2go(file_resources[ipr2go_fn]) if ipr2go is not None: ipr_entries = ipr_entries.join(ipr2go.groupby('ENTRY_AC')["go_id"].unique(), on="ENTRY_AC") ipr2go_fn = next((fn for fn in file_resources if 'interpro.xml' in fn), None) if ipr2go_fn: ipr_xml = pd.read_xml(file_resources[ipr2go_fn], xpath='//interpro', compression='gzip' if ipr2go_fn.endswith('.gz') else None) \ .dropna(axis=1, how='all') \ .rename(columns={'id': 'ENTRY_AC'}) \ .set_index('ENTRY_AC') ipr_entries = ipr_entries.join(ipr_xml, on="ENTRY_AC") return ipr_entries
[docs] def load_network(self, file_resources) -> Tuple[nx.Graph, np.ndarray]: network, node_list = None, None for filename in file_resources: if 'ParentChildTreeFile' in filename and isinstance(file_resources[filename], str): network: nx.MultiDiGraph = self.parse_ipr_treefile(file_resources[filename]) node_list = np.array(network.nodes) return network, node_list
[docs] def load_annotation(self, file_resources, blocksize=None): if not any('protein2ipr' in fn for fn in file_resources): return None ipr_entries = # Use Dask args = dict(names=['UniProtKB-AC', 'ENTRY_AC', 'ENTRY_NAME', 'accession', 'start', 'stop'], usecols=['UniProtKB-AC', 'ENTRY_AC', 'start', 'stop'], dtype={'UniProtKB-AC': 'category', 'ENTRY_AC': 'category', 'start': 'int8', 'stop': 'int8'}, low_memory=True, blocksize=None if isinstance(blocksize, bool) else blocksize) if 'protein2ipr.parquet' in file_resources: annotations = dd.read_parquet(file_resources["protein2ipr.parquet"]) else: annotations = dd.read_table(file_resources["protein2ipr.dat"], **args) if self.keys is not None and self.index_col in annotations.columns: annotations = annotations.loc[annotations[self.index_col].isin(self.keys)] elif self.keys is not None and self.index_col == annotations = annotations.loc[annotations.index.isin(self.keys)] # if != self.index_col: # annotations = annotations.set_index(self.index_col, sorted=True) # if not annotations.known_divisions: # annotations.divisions = annotations.compute_current_divisions() # Set ordering for rows and columns row_order = self.keys col_order = ipr_entries.index row2idx = {node: i for i, node in enumerate(row_order)} col2idx = {node: i for i, node in enumerate(col_order)} def edgelist2coo(edgelist_df: DataFrame, source='UniProtKB-AC', target='ENTRY_AC') -> Optional[ssp.coo_matrix]: if edgelist_df.shape[0] == 1 and edgelist_df.iloc[0, 0] == 'foo': return None if == source: source_nodes = edgelist_df.index else: source_nodes = edgelist_df[source] edgelist_df = edgelist_df.assign('int'), col=edgelist_df[target].map(col2idx).astype('int')) edgelist_df = edgelist_df.dropna(subset=['row', 'col']) if edgelist_df.shape[0] == 0: return None values = np.ones(edgelist_df.index.size) coo = ssp.coo_matrix((values, (edgelist_df['row'], edgelist_df['col'])), shape=(len(row2idx), ipr_entries.index.size)) return coo # Create a sparse adjacency matrix each partition, then combine them adj = annotations.reduction(chunk=edgelist2coo, aggregate=lambda x: x.dropna().sum() if not x.isna().all() else None, meta=pd.Series([ssp.coo_matrix])).compute() assert len(adj) == 1, f"len(adj) = {len(adj)}" # Create a sparse matrix of UniProtKB-AC x ENTRY_AC annotations = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(adj[0], index=row_order, columns=col_order) return annotations
[docs] def parse_interpro2go(self, file: str) -> pd.DataFrame: def _process_line(line: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: pos = line.find('> GO') interpro_terms, go_term = line[:pos], line[pos:] interpro_id, interpro_name = interpro_terms.strip().split(' ', 1) go_name, go_id = go_term.split(';') go_desc = go_name.strip('> GO:') return (interpro_id.strip().split(':')[1], go_id.strip(), go_desc) if isinstance(file, str): with open(os.path.expanduser(file), 'r') as file: tuples = [_process_line(line.strip()) for line in file if line[0] != '!'] ipr2go = pd.DataFrame(tuples, columns=['ENTRY_AC', "go_id", "go_desc"]) return ipr2go
[docs] def parse_ipr_treefile(self, lines: Union[List[str], StringIO]) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: """Parse the InterPro Tree from the given file. Args: lines: A readable file or file-like """ if isinstance(lines, str): lines = open(os.path.expanduser(lines), 'r') graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() previous_depth, previous_name = 0, None stack = [previous_name] def count_front(s: str) -> int: """Count the number of leading dashes on a string.""" for position, element in enumerate(s): if element != '-': return position for line in lines: depth = count_front(line) interpro_id, name, *_ = line[depth:].split('::') if depth == 0: stack.clear() stack.append(interpro_id) graph.add_node(interpro_id, interpro_id=interpro_id, name=name) else: if depth > previous_depth: stack.append(previous_name) elif depth < previous_depth: del stack[-1] parent = stack[-1] graph.add_node(interpro_id, interpro_id=interpro_id, parent=parent, name=name) graph.add_edge(parent, interpro_id, key="is_a") previous_depth, previous_name = depth, interpro_id lines.close() return graph
[docs]class HumanPhenotypeOntology(Ontology): """Loads the Human Phenotype Ontology database from . Default path: "" . Default file_resources: { "hp.obo": "", } """ COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT = {} def __init__( self, path="", file_resources=None, col_rename=COLUMNS_RENAME_DICT, blocksize=0, verbose=False, ): """ Handles downloading the latest Human Phenotype Ontology obo and annotation data, preprocesses them. It provide functionalities to create a directed acyclic graph of Ontology terms, filter terms, and filter annotations. """ if file_resources is None: file_resources = { "hp.obo": "", } super().__init__( path, file_resources, col_rename=col_rename, blocksize=blocksize, verbose=verbose, ) def info(self): print("network {}".format( def load_network(self, file_resources): for file in file_resources: if ".obo" in file: network = obonet.read_obo(file_resources[file]) network = network.reverse(copy=True) node_list = np.array(network.nodes) return network, node_list
[docs]def traverse_predecessors(network, seed_node, type=["is_a", "part_of"]): """ Returns all successor terms from seed_node by traversing the ontology network with edges == `type`. Args: seed_node: seed node of the traversal type: the ontology type to include Returns: generator of list of lists for each dfs branches. """ parents = dict(network.pred[seed_node]) for parent, v in parents.items(): if list(v.keys())[0] in type: yield [parent] + list(traverse_predecessors(network, parent, type))
[docs]def flatten(lst): return sum(([x] if not isinstance(x, list) else flatten(x) for x in lst), [])
[docs]def dfs_path(graph, path): node = path[-1] successors = list(graph.successors(node)) if len(successors) > 0: for child in successors: yield list(dfs_path(graph, path + [child])) else: yield path
[docs]def flatten_list(list_in): if isinstance(list_in, list): for l in list_in: if isinstance(list_in[0], list): for y in flatten_list(l): yield y elif isinstance(list_in[0], str): yield list_in else: yield list_in
[docs]def filter_dfs_paths(paths_df: pd.DataFrame): idx = {} for col in sorted(paths_df.columns[:-1], reverse=True): idx[col] = ~(paths_df[col].notnull() & paths_df[col].duplicated(keep="first") & paths_df[col + 1].isnull()) idx = pd.DataFrame(idx) paths_df = paths_df[idx.all(axis=1)] return paths_df
[docs]def write_taxonomy(network, root_nodes, file_path): """ Args: network: A network with edge(i, j) where i is a node and j is a child of i. root_nodes (list): a list of node names file_path (str): """ file = open(file_path, "a") file.write("Root\t" + "\t".join(root_nodes) + "\n") for root_node in root_nodes: for node, children in nx.traversal.bfs_successors(network, root_node): if len(children) > 0: file.write(node + "\t" + "\t".join(children) + "\n") file.close()