Source code for openomics.multiomics

import logging
import os
import warnings
from os.path import exists, join
from typing import List, Dict, Union

import pandas as pd
from logzero import logger
from ruamel import yaml

import openomics
from .clinical import (
from .database.base import Annotatable
from .genomics import SomaticMutation, CopyNumberVariation, DNAMethylation
from .imageomics import WholeSlideImage
from .proteomics import Protein
from .transcriptomics import MessengerRNA, MicroRNA, LncRNA, Expression

__all__ = ['MultiOmics']

[docs]class MultiOmics: """A data object which holds multiple -omics data for a single clinical cohort. """ def __init__(self, cohort_name, omics_data=None): """ Args: cohort_name (str): the clinical cohort name omics_data: """ self._cohort_name = cohort_name self._omics = [] # This is a data dictionary accessor to retrieve individual -omic data Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] = {} if omics_data: for omics in omics_data: self.add_omic(omics) def __repr__(self): return f"Cohort: {self._cohort_name}" \ "\nExpression: {}" \ "\nAnnotations: {}".format( {ntype: df.shape for ntype, df in}, {ntype: omic.annotations.shape for ntype, omic in self.__dict__.items() if hasattr(omic, 'annotations')}) @classmethod def load(cls, path): """ Load a MultiOmics save directory and create a MultiOmics object. Args: path (str): Returns: MultiOmics """ if isinstance(path, str) and '~' in path: path = os.path.expanduser(path) with open(join(path, 'metadata.yml'), 'r') as f: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', yaml.error.UnsafeLoaderWarning) attrs: Dict = yaml.load(f)"Loading MultiOmics {attrs} from {path}") omics = [] for name in attrs['_omics']: if exists(join(path, f'{name}.expressions.pickle')): df = pd.read_pickle(join(path, f'{name}.expressions.pickle')) if name == OmicsClass = MessengerRNA elif name == OmicsClass = MicroRNA elif name == OmicsClass = LncRNA elif name == OmicsClass = Protein elif name == OmicsClass = Expression omic = OmicsClass(df, transpose=False) else: continue # annotation data if exists(join(path, f'{name}.annotations.pickle')): omic.annotations = pd.read_pickle(join(path, f'{name}.annotations.pickle')) omics.append(omic) self = cls(cohort_name=attrs['_cohort_name'], omics_data=omics) return self def save(self, path): """ Serialize all omics data to disk. Args: path (str): A path to a directory where the MultiOmics data will be serialized into files. """ if isinstance(path, str) and '~' in path: path = os.path.expanduser(path) if not exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # Write metadata to YAML so can be readable attrs = { '_omics': getattr(self, '_omics', None), '_cohort_name': getattr(self, '_cohort_name', None), } with open(join(path, 'metadata.yml'), 'w') as outfile: yaml.dump(attrs, outfile, default_flow_style=False) # Write each omics type for name, expressions_df in # expressions data if not exists(join(path, f'{name}.expressions.pickle')): expressions_df.to_pickle(join(path, f'{name}.expressions.pickle')) # annotation data expression_obj = self.__getitem__(name) if not exists(join(path, f'{name}.annotations.pickle')): expression_obj.annotations.to_pickle(join(path, f'{name}.annotations.pickle'))
[docs] def add_omic(self, omic_data: Union[Expression, Annotatable], init_annotations: bool = True): """Adds an omic object to the Multiomics such that the samples in omic matches the samples existing in the other omics. Args: omic_data (Expression): The omic to add, e.g., MessengerRNA, MicroRNA, LncRNA, etc. init_annotations (bool): default True. If true, initializes the annotation dataframe in the omic object """ self.__dict__[] = omic_data if not in self._omics: self._omics.append( # dictionary as data accessor to the expression data[] = omic_data.expressions # Initialize annotation if init_annotations: omic_data.init_annotations(index=omic_data.get_genes_list()) "{} {} , indexed by: {}".format(,[].shape if hasattr([], "shape") else ": None",
[docs] def add_clinical_data(self, clinical: openomics.clinical.ClinicalData, **kwargs): """Add a ClinicalData instance to the MultiOmics instance. Args: clinical (openomics.clinical.ClinicalData): **kwargs: """ if not isinstance(clinical, ClinicalData): raise Exception("Must pass a ClinicalData in, not a file path.") self.clinical = clinical["PATIENTS"] = self.clinical.patient if hasattr(self.clinical, "biospecimen"):["BIOSPECIMENS"] = self.clinical.biospecimen if hasattr(self.clinical, "drugs"):["DRUGS"] = self.clinical.drugs self.build_samples(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_omics_list(self): return self._omics
def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Union[Expression, Annotatable]: """This function allows the MultiOmicData class objects to access individual omics by a dictionary lookup, e.g. openomics["MicroRNA"] Args: item (str): a string of the class name """ if item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == return self.__getattribute__( elif item.lower() == "patients": return self.clinical.patient elif item.lower() == "samples": if hasattr(self, "clinical"): return self.clinical.samples else: return self.samples elif item.lower() == "drugs": return self.clinical.drugs else: raise Exception( 'String accessor must be one of {"MessengerRNA", "MicroRNA", "LncRNA", "Protein", etc.}' )
[docs] def remove_duplicate_genes(self): """Removes duplicate genes between any omics such that the gene index across all omics has no duplicates. """ for omic_A in self._omics: for omic_B in self._omics: if omic_A != omic_B: self.__getattribute__(omic_A).drop_genes( set(self.__getattribute__(omic_A).get_genes_list()) & set(self.__getattribute__(omic_B).get_genes_list()))
[docs] def build_samples(self, agg_by="union"): """Running this function will build a dataframe for all samples across the different omics (either by a union or intersection). Then, Args: agg_by (str): ["union", "intersection"] """ # make sure at least one ExpressionData present if len(self._omics) < 1: logging.debug( "build_samples() does nothing. Must add at least one omic to this MultiOmics object." ) return all_samples = pd.Index([]) for omic in self._omics: if agg_by == "union": all_samples = all_samples.union([omic].index) elif agg_by == "intersection": all_samples = all_samples.intersection([omic].index) if hasattr(self, "clinical"): self.clinical.build_clinical_samples(all_samples) self.samples = self.clinical.samples.index else: self.samples = all_samples
def __dir__(self): return list(
[docs] def match_samples(self, omics) -> pd.Index: """Return the index of sample IDs of the intersection of samples from all modalities Args: omics: An array of modalities Returns: matched_sapmles: An pandas Index list """ # TODO check that for single modalities, this fetch all patients matched_samples =[omics[0]].index.copy() for omic in omics: matched_samples = matched_samples.join([omic].index, how="inner") return matched_samples
[docs] def load_data(self, omics: Union[List[str], str], target: List[str] = ["pathologic_stage"], pathologic_stages=None, histological_subtypes=None, predicted_subtypes=None, tumor_normal=None, samples_barcode=None, remove_duplicates=True): """ Prepare the multiomics data in format Args: omics (list): A list of the data modalities to load. Default "all" to select all modalities target (list): The clinical data fields to include in the pathologic_stages (list): Only fetch samples having certain stages in their corresponding patient's clinical data. For instance, ["Stage I", "Stage II"] will only fetch samples from Stage I and Stage II patients. Default is [] which fetches all pathologic stages. histological_subtypes: A list specifying the histological subtypes to fetch. Default is [] which fetches all histological sybtypes. predicted_subtypes: A list specifying the histological subtypes to fetch. Default is [] which fetches all histological sybtypes. tumor_normal: ["Tumor", "Normal"]. Default is [], which fetches all tumor or normal sample types. samples_barcode: A list of sample's barcode. If not None, only fetch data with matching samples provided in this list. remove_duplicates (bool): If True, only selects samples with non-duplicated index. Returns: Tuple[Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]: Returns (X, y), where X is a dictionary containing the multiomics data with matched samples, and y contain the :param target: labels for those samples. """ if omics == "all" or omics is None: omics = self._omics matched_samples = self.match_samples(omics) if samples_barcode is not None: matched_samples = samples_barcode if hasattr(self, "clinical") and isinstance(self.clinical, ClinicalData): # Build targets clinical data y = self.get_sample_attributes(matched_samples) # Select only samples with certain cancer stage or subtype if pathologic_stages: y = y[y[PATHOLOGIC_STAGE_COL].isin(pathologic_stages)] if histological_subtypes: y = y[y[HISTOLOGIC_SUBTYPE_COL].isin(histological_subtypes)] if predicted_subtypes: y = y[y[PREDICTED_SUBTYPE_COL].isin(predicted_subtypes)] if tumor_normal: y = y[y[TUMOR_NORMAL_COL].isin(tumor_normal)] # Filter y target column labels y = y.filter(target) y.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True) matched_samples = y.index else: y = None # Build expression matrix for each omic, indexed by matched_samples X_multiomics = {} for omic in omics: X_multiomics[omic] =[omic].loc[matched_samples, self[omic].get_genes_list()] if remove_duplicates: X_multiomics[omic] = X_multiomics[omic].loc[~X_multiomics[omic].index.duplicated(keep="first")] return X_multiomics, y
[docs] def get_sample_attributes(self, matched_samples): """Fetch patient's clinical data for each given samples barcodes in the matched_samples Returns samples_index: Index of samples Args: matched_samples: A list of sample barcodes """ return["SAMPLES"].reindex(matched_samples)
[docs] def print_sample_sizes(self): for omic in print( omic,[omic].shape if hasattr([omic], "shape") else "None", )
[docs] def annotate_samples(self, dictionary): """This function adds a "predicted_subtype" field to the patients clinical data. For instance, patients were classified into subtypes based on their expression profile using k-means, then, to use this function, do: annotate_patients(dict(zip(patient index>, <list of corresponding patient's subtypes>))) Adding a field to the patients clinical data allows openomics to query the patients data through the .load_data(subtypes=[]) parameter, Args: dictionary: A dictionary mapping patient's index to a subtype """["PATIENTS"] =["PATIENTS"].assign(["PATIENTS"][ self.clinical.patient_column].map(dictionary))